Sex offense recidivism. In comparing the old risk - based system of classification to the new offense-based system of classification, the former risk-based system resulted in less overall recidivism.
Specifically, the pre-LB 285 classification system resulted in a 2-year recidivism rate of 1.7% and a 1-year recidivism rate of 0.6%. In comparison, the post-LB 285 classification system resulted in a 2-year recidivism rate of 2.6% and a 1-year recidivism rate of 1.7%. We also examined the effectiveness of each classification system in identifying offenders at the highest risk to reoffend. In general, the former system that utilized a psychological risk assessment tool consistently distinguished offenders who were at a high, medium, and low risk to reoffend.
In comparison, the AWA system was very effective in distinguishing those at a high risk to reoffend from medium and low risk offenders. However, the AWA classification system consistently failed to distinguish offenders 3 at medium risk to recidivate from those at low risk to recidivate. Our findings suggest that, as an overall tool for identifying anuanced risk to reoffend, the old risk-based system appears more effective. However, if the goal is simply to distinguish the highest risk offenders from everyone else, the Adam Walsh Act Tier system appears most effective.
One caveat, however, is that this latter finding is in sharp contrast to published research on sex offenders in other states (Zgoba et al. 2012).
For the purpose of this study, “recidivism” is defined as a criminal conviction for a new sex offense that requires the offender to register with the Nebraska Sex Offender Registry. A list of crimes that require a person to register may be found in the FAQ section of the Nebraska Sex Offender Registry website. ..Source.. Prepared by: Consortium for Crime and Justice Research, University of Nebraska - Omaha, Ryan Spohn, PhD., Director
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