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The Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders Scale: The Development of a Psychometric Assessment Instrument

May 2008:

Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the nature of individual attitudes toward sex offenders.

Because the term “sex offender” tends to evoke strong emotions, and given that open-ended self reports tend to be highly subjective, particularly in the context of such pointed terminology, this study sought to develop an attitude assessment tool that addresses specific domains found in the literature.

Methods: Through a number of iterations, the Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders Scale was developed.

Results: Exploratory and subsequent confirmatory factor analyses found a four-factor, 18-item version to best represent the domains of interest. Factor and item characteristics are reported.

Conclusions: Replication and extension to other populations appears warranted. ..Source.. by Wesley T. Church (The University of Alabama, wchurch@sw.ua.edu) and Emily E. Wakeman (The University of Alabama) and Sarah L. Miller (The University of Alabama) and Carl B. Clements (The University of Alabama) and Fei Sun (The University of Alabama)

Church W. T., *Wakeman, E., *Miller, S., Clements, C. B., & *Sun, F., (2008). Community attitudes toward sex offenders: The development of a psychometric assessment Instrument. Research on Social Work Practice, 18 (3), 251-259.

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