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Rhode Island: Sex Offender Recidivism Rates

January 2013 Rhode Island:

The Rhode Island DOC has this current study: 2009 Recidivism Study: Two Year Follow Up (Value added link)

Summary of Findings
-Of the 3,699 offenders released in 2009 from RIDOC, 31% returned under sentence within 1 year of release. By 24 months post-release, 42% had returned under sentence. This constitutes
a 4% decrease in 2-year post release rates from the 2004 cohort.

-Offenders who were released from Home Confinement had lower recidivism rates than those released from secure facilties. This was true for the 2004 cohort as well.

-Forty-one percent (41%) of prison offenders and 43% of jail offenders recidivated within 2 years of release.

-For pretrial re-admissions, 1 in 2 offenders returned as awaiting trail detainees within 24 months post release for a two year recidivism rate of 50%. This is an 8% decline for two year rates from the 2004 cohort.

-Only 4% of pretrial 2-year recidivists were female. This is a significant decrease from the 2004 cohort where 12% of awaiting trial recidivists were female.

eAdvocate notes: Since they do not report a SAME-CRIME sex offender recidivism rate, we were able -using facts from the study- to calculate a GENERAL RECIDIVISM rate for sex offenders, and it comes out to be 14.5%. Here is how we did that:
At the link you will find a "recidivism study" for all types of offenses.
Open it and do a PAGE-SEARCH for "sex," BINGO after 2-years sex offenders had a 27% recidivism rate (pg-2).

OK, but what does that mean? What is their definition of recidivism? (pg-1)"Someone who was released from RI-DOC and returned within 2-years." Doesn't say "returned for the same crime type" so it is a general recidivism rate.

Now we need to know if they include "technical violations" in their rates. They do not use the phrase "technical violations [tried a pg-search] but instead see pg-2 [left column] "1/2 were re-sentenced for a new crime, and 31%+15%=47% were parole/probation violators."

Next, pg-2 also says "Of the 103 SOs released during 2009, 27% (28 of 103) recidivated within 2-years." But 47% of the 28 were for "parole violations" [not new crimes] = 13, so 15 were for new crimes, or 14.5% recidivism. However, thats for ANY kind of crime, a general recidivism rate, not just sex offenses.

Finally, 14.5% for any kind of crime, is the best we have for this state, and we should note it that way.

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