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Smart on Crime: Recommendations for the Administration and Congress

2-11-2011 National:

On February 10, 2011, a diverse coalition of over 40 criminal justice organizations released Smart on Crime: Recommendations for the Administration and Congress, among the most comprehensive reports ever published to address the problems confronting America’s criminal justice system. Nearly 100 detailed policy recommendations across 16 criminal justice areas were developed to provide a spur to action for the Administration and Congress. In the Coalition’s announcement, Virginia Sloan, President of The Constitution Project noted, “Smart on Crime contains an ever-increasing and bipartisan consensus on how to fix the problems that have for too long plagued the system.”

A Smart on Crime Web site was also created to provide policy-makers, media and the public with easy access to the report. In video-taped interviews, several Smart on Crime report contributors shared their unique insights on how to fix the system of justice they care so passionately about. Media outlets, including the Legal Times, remarked on the Smart on Crime initiative’s “broad coalition of organizations, ranging from the ACLU to the Heritage Foundation."

For the remainder of this report: by The Smart on Crime Coalition

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