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September 2009:

Indiana Program Has Low Recidivism Rate

The Indiana Sex Offender Management and Monitoring (INSOMM) Program reports a low recidivism rate (2.43%) for sex offenders who received treatment through the program and then was convicted of a new sex crime upon release.
Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) started the INSOMM Program in 1999 and uses it to not only treat sex offenders but also to track and report their recidivism rates upon release.

In his report at the ACA conference, Dr. Deming (Tel: 371/951-1984, ext. 121, Email: ademing@LibertyHealth.com) reported that IDOC data, released since his article was written, show the latest recidivism rates to be even lower (1%) for INSOMM-treated sex offenders who commit a new sex crime. Deming is director of the program, which is managed by Liberty Behavioral Health Corporation under a private contract.

In the Sex Offender Law Report article, Deming and his colleagues note the in-consistency of recidivism definitions and state methodologies for collecting and reporting recidivism rates. Standardization, they say, is “paramount in the effort to decrease rates of sexual violence” and in making an accurate appraisal of treatment and management practices.

For the remainder of this paper: by Prison Fellowship

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