This study seeks to expand on the previously reported validity of the Static-99, RRASOR, MnSOST-R, and SORAG in predicting sexual recidivism utilizing a regional sample of offenders. The predictive validity of each test was determined utilizing subgroups of the sample based on each offender's known offense history. The effectiveness of each instrument varied depending on offender type. The Static-99 and SORAG were both significantly predictive of sexual, violent, and any recidivism for extrafamilial child molesters, and all four tests were predictive of violent or any recidivism in this subgroup. For incest offenders, all four tests were at least moderately predictive of sexual recidivism, whereas the Static-99 and the SORAG were highly predictive of violent or any recidivism. None of the four tests established consistent predictive validity across recidivism categories in regard to rapists or hands-off offenders, however, the Static-99 and the SORAG were significant in terms of sexual recidivism.
For the remainder of this paper: by Darci L. Bartosh, M.A., Argosy University, -and- Tina Garby, M.A., Argosy University, -and- Deborah Lewis, Ph.D., Argosy University -and- Steve Gray, Ed. D.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, Vol. 47, No. 4, 422-438 (2003)DOI: 10.1177/0306624X03253850
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